Our 12 Point Plan

Twelve Point plan for a Socialist DL


When the 2018 Executive were elected they promised to put this plan into action – much has been achieved, but there is still work to do!


1. Free membership for all Labour Party members with a disability or informal carers of disabled members. Funding to come from affiliations and donations.



2. We will be a strong campaigning voice for disabled members & their carers, within the LP and externally. 



3. We will implement OMOV for all DL elections. Participation at DL AGMs and Conferences to be available by remote access. We will campaign for this to be implemented across the Labour Party.

Work in progress


4. Exec meetings be monthly and to be fully accessible via Zoom for members unable to travel. Open to members to attend with time for questions and contributions. 



5. Officers will be directly contactable and responsive to enquiries and concerns. All Officer roles will be a job-share to ensure continuity should a post holder be unable to carry their duties temporarily. 



6. Minutes of Exec Meetings will be published promptly. Members will receive regular updates about campaigns and other important issues. Accounts will be properly audited and present in an Annual Report.



7. We will adopt the DEAL handbook and “It’s our Party – Let us in”. We will campaign with Project 125 and other DPOs such as DPAC.



8. We will set up working groups to develop Labour Party Policy on Disability issues and work with the Parliamentary Labour Party.

Work in progress


9. We will set up strands to support members who are Neuro-diverse, have learning disabilities and who are unwaged carers of adults or children with disabilities.

Still to do


10. We will:

a) liaise with CLPs to disseminate information. 

b) provide expert advice and training throughout the party on reasonable adjustments for disabled members. 

c) develop training for CLPs on disability and mental health equality.

Work in progress


11. We will campaign for dedicated disabled members seats on Regional Boards, the National Executive Committee, National Policy Forum and all Conference Arrangements Committees. 

Work in progress


12. We will support and endorse disabled members standing for public office and LP positions. We will campaign for inclusion of disabled candidates on all short lists for local government and parliamentary elections.

Work in progress