AGM 2024

The annual general meeting for Disability Labour will take place using Zoom on Sunday 26th May at 1:45pm for a 2pm start of business.  

To register to attend the AGM, please visit this link: Registration link

The Agenda is as follows:

1) Welcome and introductions

2) Minutes of Previous AGM

3) Officer Reports

a) Chairs Report
b) Vice-Chairs Report
c) Secretary’s Report
d) Membership Report

4) Treasurer’s Report

5) Motions and Emergency Motions
a) Motion A: Make politics more accessible for disabled people
b) Motion B: Rishi Sunak’s Benefit Reform Announcement
c) Emergency Motions (if any)

6) Guest Speakers:
a) Richard Burgon MP
b) Miriam Eslamdoust – TSSA

The full agenda pack is available here: Agenda Pack

The Treasurers report is available here: Treasurer’s Report

Candidate statements for the by-election can be found here: By-election statements